Draußen spielen? Im Winter? Stimmt!

Today was sunny and frigid in Bayreuth’s Altstadt. Nonetheless, as kids wandered home from school, they played outside. And along the way, Wundersam Anders added a new game to the Schatzkiste – two boys taught us how to play Kaugummi. The premise of the game is stepping in Kaugummi, which is normally ganz frustrating. But, Kaugummi isn’t such a Frustration on a frozen Fußweg. So, well into Dezember, we ask: “Warum soll man im kalten Winter draußen spielen?”

1.)   If der Weihnachtsmann brings toys in winter, why shouldn’t we play with them in winter?

2.)   Frischluft

3.)   New season = new games

4.)   Verstecken is much easier in the dark.

5.)   All the Hüte und Handschuhe aren’t going to wear themselves.

6.)   It’s here until April. That’s a long time to hibernate.

7.)   Exercise! (insert emojis here 😉 )

8.)   Schnee is magical. Cold is spannend.

9.)   What is the alternative? The sofa? Staring at your Handy?

10.) Uh, hallo?! Spaß!!

